Good news for immigrants with training and experience in accounting: there is a lot of work for them in Canada! But because the profession is complex and regulated, it is necessary to be armed with patience. Tips and process. There’s no point in sending your indistinct resume to all the accounting firms in town. In […]
Evenings, weekends, holidays: you can’t help avoid taking a peek at your work inbox to deal with details and emergencies or leave your phone turned on in case someone needs you. At a time when more and more countries are putting laws in place that favour the right to disconnect, learn about the best reflexes to completely cut […]
To find a job adapted to your needs and abilities, it’s essential to personalize your cv. But what aspects should you focus on to pique the interest of the recruiter? An expert answers us. In response to a job offer, an employer can often receive more than a hundred applications. The CV and cover letter […]
In life, we often like to believe in our lucky star… From a professional point of view, establishing a career development plan can actually help the stars to align themselves. A career plan: a development tool that we’ve all heard about, but… who has one? However, according to Al Dea, career development specialist, those who […]
“The reality of today’s job market is that people are in motion. They move from one job to another quickly,” sums up Éloïc Lévesque-Dorion, employment counsellor at the Montreal Downtown Job Search Club. “People stay in the same company for three years on average,” he adds. “Everyone will eventually have to find another job.” Even […]
To stand out, skills are not enough – you have to know how to arouse the recruiter’s interest by highlighting your personality. How do you achieve this in a résumé, on social media? Tips. Targeting the required personal qualities Showcasing your personality is a good way of enhancing your candidacy and eliciting a call from […]
What are the characteristics that distinguish a Canadian résumé? Here are some aspects to consider, if you have just arrived in the country. From pragmatism and adaptation to the job offer Canadian recruiters expect to find the exact requirements of the job offer in your résumé. Sort through your business information to include only those […]
Sexual, psychological or discriminatory harassment: these situations are found more often that you might think in Canadian workplaces. 19% of women and 13% of men have been victims at least once in their careers. Learn how to recognize it to know how to react accordingly. Is it harassment? To know how to respond, the first […]
The accountant is at the front line of warning signs that there are dark days ahead for the company. What are these signs? We spoke to the chartered accountant Marc Bergeron, Vice-President and Partner in Recovery and Insolvency of Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton (RCGT). You are working as an accountant in a company. Everything seems […]
Looking for an employer is becoming more and more like looking for… a spouse! An increasing number of employees are looking for the perfect match. A recent survey by the Robert Half firm reveals that 2 Canadians out of 5 would be willing to turn down the job of their dreams if they disagreed with […]
When an employee resigns it is becoming more and more common to conduct an exit interview. How is it conducted? What do you gain from it? We spoke to Émilie Pelletier, CHRP and HR marketing and communication strategist at HRM Group. Less known than the hiring interview, the exit interview is gaining popularity among organizations […]
The world of employment is not what it used to be. As well, certain classic job search tips no longer apply, according to Forbes magazine, which recently drew up a list of tips to discard. To be a good job seeker of the day, here are recommendations and general advice not to follow. The job […]